Hydro power made easy with the Archimedean Screw hydro turbine.
Eco Evolution are appointed agents in Ireland for Mann Power Consulting Ltd. UK. Mann Power are the sole UK authorised dealer for the Rehart range of Archimedean Screws manufactured in Germany.
The turbines can be under ground or open and do not harm fish.
Eco Evolution - installers of wind, solar and hydro energy solutions
operate from their offices located in Ferns, Co Wexford
More info SEI.ie
Eco Evolution are appointed agents in Ireland for Mann Power Consulting Ltd. UK. Mann Power are the sole UK authorised dealer for the Rehart range of Archimedean Screws manufactured in Germany.

The turbines can be under ground or open and do not harm fish.
Eco Evolution - installers of wind, solar and hydro energy solutions
operate from their offices located in Ferns, Co Wexford
More info SEI.ie